My projects

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Header image for OpenTapasReader


Language: TypeScript
Year: 2024

An Android app for reading comics

Header image for RandomPing


Language: Python, TypeScript
Year: 2024

A website where you can send push notifications to other random users (via the Web Push API)

Header image for Voxel Game

Voxel Game

Language: Python
Year: 2022

A simple first-person 3D procedurally-generated voxel game. Place and break blocks! And it's quite buggy.

Header image for Email Address Generator

Email Address Generator

Language: JavaScript
Year: 2024

A browser add-on for generating unique email aliases for a domain with a catch-all email address set-up

Header image for TicTacGo


Language: TypeScript, Python
Year: 2023

Play tic-tac-toe in real life! Players (in two teams) compete to claim tiles on an actual map by physically navigating to them. There's no turn system, turning it into a strategic race!

Header image for OpenStreetMap Animate

OpenStreetMap Animate

Language: TypeScript
Year: 2023

Play back GPX tracks synced to OpenStreetMap edits. Perfect for reviewing an edit session or visualizing a competition between users editing with StreetComplete.

Header image for SignFile


Language: Java
Year: 2022

A Minecraft mod for filling out signs from a JSON file

Header image for The Gap

The Gap

Language: Minecraft Datapack
Year: 2022

A Minecraft PVP minigame set on a moving platform (featured by Mojang!)

Header image for LexiQuest


Language: Minecraft Datapack
Year: 2023

A famous word-based board game in Minecraft (featured by Mojang!)

Header image for Od mědi ke kalkulačce

Od mědi ke kalkulačce

Language: TypeScript
Year: 2023

An interactive presentation I made for school, heavily inspired by this amazing video by Sebastian Lague. Build a 4-bit adder from basic electrical components, while understanding the underlying logic. English translation included.

Header image for Stream Deck Controller

Stream Deck Controller

Language: Python
Year: 2022

Use the Elgato Stream Deck on Linux! Or, better yet, use something like StreamController instead.

Header image for RedditManager


Language: JavaScript
Year: 2023

A fancy web app for managing your Reddit account (if you still happen to have one). It's now possibly broken due to Reddit's new API policies.

Header image for And many more!

And many more!

Discover more of my projects on GitHub, each one made exclusively with love.

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